
craig jackson

June 23rd, 2010

After sleep, work is the biggest sole occupier of people’s time.

And work isn’t necessarily all good for you. The traditional causes of the diseases of working lives were physical — chemicals, gases, fumes, metals and toxins, viruses and dusts. Add in too the ergonomics of some work, long working hours, the diurnal disturbances due to shift work.

Such were the concerns of occupational medicine until the mid-1990s. Since then, there has been growing awareness of psychological hazards as the root cause of many health problems in the workplace.

Given the importance of work in our lives, argues Professor Craig Jackson, the occupational arena is the best forum for improving public health and combating chronic health problems such as diabetes or obesity or mental health problems.

Professor Jackson is Head of the Psychology Division and Professor of Occupational Health Psychology at Birmingham City University.

His main research interests are in how workplaces and working affect people’s health and psychological well-being. He has specific interest in unusual and rare occupations, work-related suicide, and emerging issues such as technology change, workplace cultures and new working practices. He maintains a research interest in some of the traditional issues such as pesticides, metal and chemical exposures, and working hours

rebecca cain

June 23rd, 2010

Most humans, like other primates, are highly visual animals. Sounds, however, is an important sensory input to how we ‘see’ and navigate our lives. And too much noise,we become disorientated, anxious, even angry — and with due cause, as it can damage our hearing irreparably.

But by sticking to the current paradigm of noise control, says Dr Rebecca Cain, we’re actually missing a trick. What’s desirable in our soundscapes has had little impact on quantitative engineering acoustics. Intriguingly, it seems it’s not really the sound itself that people respond to, but what that sound represents.

Dr Cain is a Senior Research Fellow in the Experiential Engineering Group, in Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick.

Originally trained as an industrial designer, she now works across multi-disciplinary teams to connect engineering to real people. Her research interests are in how humans’ subjective reactions to products and environments can be communicated in a meaningful way to scientists and engineers.

Applications from her research are in urban soundscapes, automotive design and healthcare environment design.

james shippen

June 23rd, 2010

If you wanted to avoid injury would you choose to be a racing driver, a footballer, a ballet dancer or a builder?

The answer may surprise you. Not only do dancers have to jump, land, twist and stretch, but they have to appear elegant and effortless at the same time.

Engineers such as Dr James Shippen know a great deal about loads in structures. Thinking of a dancer’s body as very complicated structure has led to has enabled engineers such as him to solve some of the demanding biomechanical problems that dancers present.

Dr Shippen is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer with industrial experience in the medical, automotive, defence and aerospace industries.  He is currently employed in the Industrial Design department at Coventry University where he researches mathematical modelling and stimulation of biomechanics and develops analysis code to solve biomechanical problems.

david hukins

June 22nd, 2010

Our view of science tends to be compartmentalised. But scientists from different disciplines often work together. Their very differences provide new insights, perspectives and understanding. Sometimes such collaborations lead to innovative technologies.

Take David Hukins, for example. A former Professor of Physics at Aberdeen, he’s now Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Head of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Birmingham. His seemingly disparate knowledge and skills is particularly valuable when dealing with the structure, function, failure, replacement and repair of tissues and parts of the human body.

We’re already familiar with the success of joint replacement. They have improved dramatically in the last few years. People are recovering more quickly from the operation, and the joint itself is lasting much longer. This is in part due to the skill of surgeons. It’s largely due, however, to new materials and new engineering.

Professor Hukins is involved in the development of new methods for engineering surfaces, and new coating materials and techniques so that artificial joints are even more successful. Because of this kind of work, a start has been made in replacing the intervetebral joints of the spine.

Tissue engineering, in its infancy, has already been used to repair cartilage.

ian nabney

June 21st, 2010

Probability theory may sound like arcane and irrelevant mathematics, but it’s the stuff that enables us to work with uncertainty. Imagine a random event such as a heart attack, something that rarely happens but when it does, it has devastating effects. It’d be helpful if we could work out just how likely such an event would be without having to take up the time and resources of expert cardiologists.

Ian Nabney, a Professor of Computer Science at Aston University, works with modern computing power which vastly expands the range of problems that can be tackled. Couple probability theory with machine learning (the design and development of algorithms that allow computers to evolve behaviors based on empirical data, such as from sensor data or databases), for example, and, he says, we can put a lot of the decision-making expertise and power of the best of cardiologists on a ‘box’ can be used by a non-expert.

Professor Nabney is a member of Aston’s Non-linearity and Complexity Research Group and his research is in pattern analysis.  He specialises in developing applications with industrial and medical partners in such areas as data visualisation, energy price forecasting, and probabilistic models of risk in jet engine design.  His software toolbox, Netlab, has over thirty-five thousand users around the world, and can be downloaded here; see also his book NETLAB: Algorithms for Pattern Recognition.

jayne franklyn

June 21st, 2010

Evidence-based medicine has at its foundation high quality clinical research.

Take, for example, some of the most common diseases afflicting 21st century populations in affluent societies — hypertension, obsity and a wide range of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Type 1 diabetes and thyroid diseases.

This last set of diseases is the particular research area of Professor Jayne Franklyn, one of the world’s authorities on thyroid disorders. All of these diseases, she says, are so-called ‘polygenic disorders‘. Investigations now enabled by number-crunching of vast datasets on many thousands of patients with these common diseases allows us to determine the relative contribution of minor variations in DNA structure. We can thereby assess the risk of people likely to suffer from them and, where we can, take preventative steps.

Jayne Franklin is Professor of Medicine and Head of School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine at the University of Birmingham. She’s also Consultant Endocrinologist, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust.

Her laboratory and clinical research interests focussing on the pathogenesis of thyroid cancer and autoimmune thyroid disease and the effects of subclinical thyroid dysfunction.

She’s a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and American Thyroid Association Paul Starr Lecturer. She was awarded the Royal College of Physicians Goulstonian Lectureship in 1994, as well as Plenary Lectureships of the Society for Endocrinology, Clinical Endocrinology Trust, and the International Congress of Endocrinology.

As well as being Head of the School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine at the University of Birmingham she an active teacher and researcher, with over 200 peer reviewed papers in thyroid research.

elizabeth wellington

June 21st, 2010

Professor Elizabeth Wellington asks a pertinent question in these times of swingeing cuts in universities. Are we training enough young scientists for the future?

She is in no doubt of the calibre of youngsters coming up, nor of the importance of the work they can do. Moreoever for the first time in her career, she’s noticing productive collaborations between biologists and physical scientists ranging from soil scientists to mathematicians and engineers, a trend that can only continue and to great beneficial effect. There are wide-ranging aspects of particular problems that need addressing.

But the question remains: Are we training enough of young scientists for the future?

Professor Liz Wellington is an environmental microbiologist, and has been involved in ecological research and soil microbiology for over 20 years. With a personal Chair, she is part of the Microbiology section within the Department of Biological Sciences at Warwick University, and was co-director of the Warwick Systems Biology Centre (2007-07) to co-ordinate interdisciplinary research allowing biological systems to be modelled. Her current research focuses on the fate of bacterial pathogens in the environment and understanding the functional properties of soil bacteria.

jon preece

June 21st, 2010

Sir John Beddington, the UK Government Scientific Adviser, has chillingly said:

Can nine billion people be fed? Can we cope with the demands in the future on water? Can we provide enough energy? . . . And can we do all that in 21 years time? That’s when things are going to start hitting in a really big way . . . 2030 is not very far away.

Over the next few decades there will tremendous advances made in nanotechnology, Professor Jon Preece‘s research area.

But that’s not the reason why he’s optimistic about science and scientific endeavour. The challenges we’re facing require a multidisciplinary approach. What Professor Preece is optimistic about, even in the face of the challenges Sir John Beddington calls the ‘perfect storm’, is the way scientists, medics, engineers from all backgrounds are not afraid to speak to each other, to exchange ideas and concepts, to bring new perspectives on old problems, to work together to create innovative and transformative solutions that will have the potential to solve the pressing, serious problems we’re facing.

Jon Preece is Professor of Nanoscale Chemistry at the University of Birmingham. His work is focused on the interdisciplinary nature of nanoscale chemistry, including nanostructuring surfaces via the integration of top-down and bottom-up methodologies, gene delivery based on polycations, nanotribology, liquid crystals and nanoscale electronics. He is also on the Editorial Board of the Chemistry Society Reviews.

laura green

June 21st, 2010

Scientists may spend a lot of time thinking, but their thoughts — and their actions — are always grounded in a very real practicality. And perhaps none more evidently so than scientists engaged in the production of food from farmed animals.

Think of the breathing, watchful bulk of cows grazing, for example, or the gregarious grunt-snuffles of pigs at the trough, or white-blobs-on-fells that turn out when closer to be sheep. Professor Laura Green‘s aim is to reduce clinical impact of endemic infectious diseases of farmed animals such as these, knowing we can further our understanding of infectious disease processes through data collection, careful analysis, modeling and interpretation in a biological framework.

Gone are the days when we believed we could produce low cost food at any price, including poor animal health. It’s now possible to monitor, for example, a dairy cow all its life. And the sheer volume of data such monitoring from so many sources is overwhelming.

This means moving from a reductionist approach for researchers such as Professor Green, to an assimilatory one. With developments in communication, data capture, storage and processing, it will be possible to address increasingly complex problems; see, for example, the Lame Cow Project she’s involved in.

Professor Laura Green is an epidemiologist in the Department of Biological Sciences at Warwick University. She leads multidisciplinary teams to reduce the clinical impact of endemic infectious diseases of farmed animals.  Of current interest are three research projects  on the control of footrot in sheep; one combines laboratory studies of persistence of D. nodosus, the causal organism, and mathematical modeling of persistence, one is investigating a novel approach to treatment and control in a clinical trial and one is on technology transfer to the sheep industry.

For all research work at Warwick University on infectious disease epidemiology of livestock, including foot and mouth, see here.

jim tucker

June 21st, 2010

Chemistry is a discipline that underpins many others. It has a vital role to play, says Jim Tucker, Reader in Supramolecular Chemistry at the University of Birmingham, in the synthesis and study of new materials, drugs and therapies, energy conversion and storage, solar energy and diagnostics for human health . . .

Dr Tucker studied for his BSc and PhD in Chemistry at Kings College, London. After post-doc work in Japan and France, he was Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry at Exeter before moving in 2005 to his present position at Birmingham University where he is Reader in Supramolecular Chemistry and currently holds an EPSRC Leadership Fellowship.